Goals for Kindergarten

The overall goal of our FLES program is oral proficiency. Through the elementary school years we expect students to achieve certain levels of oral proficiency. Our daily lessons are driven by this goal.

How do we get to this goal?

Our FLES program is designed as an immersion program where the entire lesson is taught in the target language. Students are learning through songs, games, role playing, simple stories, and movement activities.  Students are having daily 30 minutes Spanish lessons.  

The following are some of the topics we will cover during the school year, but not limited to:

·       Greeting and Introductions
·       Colors, Shapes and Sizes
·       Numbers 1-30
·       Body Parts
·       Clothing
·       Likes and dislikes
·       Family and Pets
·       Farm animals
·       Weather
·        Food

What if your child already speak Spanish?

Children who have Spanish as a heritage language have a wide range of communication capabilities. Our goal for them is to improve their oral skills, so that they feel more motivated and confident to speak Spanish at home with parents and relatives. In the Spanish class they will be a valuable helper to the teacher! And of course there is always something new to learn.